Access to best British boarding schools
- Candidates have to demonstrate high academic ability.
- Maths and English tests apply.
- The scholarships are awarded on merit only
- Transparent rounds of selection
45,000 GBP18,000 Pound per annum
- ATTN no further scholarship applied * includes tuition, accommodation, food, laundry, most activities.
- Does not include deposit (refundable on course completion), guardianship if required and/or administration fee.
- The school fees per annum to be paid by the family for Englanders Scholarship winners 2025 will not be lower than 18,000 Pound
- One or each of the two years of an IGCSE course.
- One or each of the two years of an A-level course.
- One or each of the two years of an IB course.
- One Year Foundation Programme
- September intake
- GPA 9+ and fluency in English
- OPEN to 9, 10 and 11 grade graduates

Apply online by sending to [email protected]
- passport
- last academic year grades translated
- any internationally recognized English test result obtained *applications received after April 30th 16:00 CET will not be considered

Be present at Exam day
- with your parent or legal guardian
-sign application form and related documents
-Present yourself with your passport,
-The fee of the ESBA test is 100 Pound to be paid at the Bank account of Englanders CR. Upon test completion, on the test day 50% of the ESBA test fee will be refunded.

Know your result and move ahead
-make a preliminary interview with the board
-If successful you will be awarded a Certificate of Scholarship
- you will be presented with a school that matches your aspirations

Final Actions
-apply to the British school and achieve conditional offer
-complete conditions of the offer
-pass the interview with the UK boarding school
-present actual grades upon completion of academic year in Albania
-prepare documents for visa application
- apply for a visa
Englanders Scholarship Board Albania secures reduced fixed tuition and boarding costs to best UK boarding schools.
The competition works on a ‘first come first served’ basis as places are limited to only 30 contestants who compete for 10 Englanders scholarships.
The competition includes some rounds of transparent selections including Maths and English tests followed by academic interviews.
The Winners

Ja se çfare na thote Kejsi per shkollen e mesme Warminster ne UK :
- I enjoy having the opportunity to try new activities and meet many people from different cultures
-All accomplishments are on merit only and at all times we are encouraged through positive feedback.
-Every day is like a sleepover ☺
Kejsi eshte ne vitin e 2 te programit akademik A-Level dhe per te dyja vitet ka arritur te perfitoje te njejtin nivel burse bazuar ne arritjet e saj te shkelqyera.

Jam shume i gezuar qe fitova bursen, jo vetem per vitin e dytre por edhe te trete te shkolles se mesme. Kam gjetur nje ambjent shume pozitiv.
Kushtet e shkolles jane perfekte.

Grejs gjithashtu po kryen edhe vitin e dyte te studimeve po me te njejten burse, pra 2 vite studime A Levels ne UK me burse kushtojne sa 1 vit studime PA burse.

Samantha eshte nje tjeter studente e shkelqyer qe ka nisur studimet ne vitin 2021 me bursen Englanders.
Pas vitit te pare si perfituese e burses, kete vit ajo ndjek vitin e 2 dhe te fundit A levels me te njejtat tarifa.
Sam (sic na pelqen ta quajme) eshte e perkushtuar ndaj artit dhe filmit por ajo premton ne shume fusha te tjera per studimet ne nivel Universitar.
Sam eshte ish studente e kolegjeve Turgut Ozal.